1. Tell me again what interests you about this job and what skills and strengths you plan to bring to it.
Note that the question is not, “What are your skills and strengths?” but “What skills and strengths can you bring to the job?” Answer in the context of contributions you can make to the company.
2. Do you have anything you want to revisit from your first interview?
This is one where you’ll need to be prepared. A bad answer is, “Not really.” Before the job interview, make a list of things that occurred to you after your last conversation that you’d want to bring up.
3. What is your greatest weakness?
Yes, some managers still ask this question, even on the second interview. Be honest about an actual negative trait, but follow up immediately with how you’re working to overcome it. Some examples of acceptable weaknesses include impatience, discomfort with public speaking and wanting to do things your own way.
4. Can you tell me a little more about your current/most recent job?
Note that the employer is asking for more than what you’ve described in your resume or during the initial interview. You should be able to give a short and precise summary of duties and responsibilities at your most recent position. Be careful not to sound negative about the job or your employer.
5. Describe a professional achievement you’re especially proud of.
This request is not only evaluating your career priorities but also testing your ability to explain what you do in terms anyone can understand. Instead of using jargon and acronyms, explain the significance of your accomplishment in plain English. One idea is to highlight an anecdote that shows you can work with people in other departments or those outside of your field, a key characteristic of a good team player.
6. How did you change your current/most recent job?
A convincing answer here shows adaptability and a willingness to take the bull by the horns, if necessary. Talking about times you chose to do a job differently from other people highlights your creativity and resourcefulness.
7. What was the most difficult decision you ever had to make on the job?
This one tests your integrity and decision-making style. Make sure your answer fits the company culture.
8. Looking back, what could you have done to make a bad workplace relationship better?
This interview question is attempting to find out whether you’re capable of rising above an unpleasant situation or learning from past mistakes, both highly desirable qualities. A bitter, critical answer may indicate someone who holds grudges or simply can’t get along with certain kinds of people. A reflective, positive answer will show that you try to minimize personality conflicts — and don’t use them as excuses for failing to move forward. The employer is surely looking for a candidate who tries to be tactful and diplomatic but nonetheless stands up for what’s right.
9. Do you prefer to work alone or with other people?
The ideal answer here is “both.” People who say they like working with information are obviously a good choice for technical positions, but it may be a red flag if the interviewer perceives you don’t also enjoy communicating or lack collaboration skills — increasingly a function of even highly technical jobs.
10. What sorts of things do you think your current/past company could do to be more successful?
This one is a great big-picture question. The interviewer is probing to find out whether you have a clear understanding of your current or past employer’s missions and goals and whether you’ve worked with those objectives in mind.
11. Can you describe a typical day at work in your last job?
The interviewer wants to see how your current (or most recent) routine compares with the requirements of the job in question. If what you did on a day-to-day basis in your last job is vastly different from what you’ll be expected to do with the new position, it could be a concern for the employer.
12. What sort of work environment do you prefer?
Plain and simple, the interviewer wants to find out whether you’re going to be a good fit with the company as expressed in your own words. Weave your answer around your perception of the corporate style there — as long as it’s truly what you’re seeking.
13. Have you ever been in a work situation where you were asked to do something you felt was unethical?
This is another case where you should give specifics, if possible. The interviewer knows no rational job candidate is going to say that sometimes it’s OK to be unethical. But how you approach answering and any anecdotes you share can increase the company’s comfort level with hiring you.
14. What would you consider an acceptable salary for this position?
There are numerous ways this could be asked, depending on whether compensation has been discussed previously. Still, the last thing you want is to be caught off guard by a salary-related question. Find out what salary level your skills, experience and location can help you earn. During negotiations, don’t forget other perks and benefits important to you, such as telecommuting options, flexible work hours and opportunities for professional development.